ECE 144:
LabVIEW Programming
Design and Applications
Students will learn how to program using LabVIEW. The course is taught through a series of interactive lectures.
Students are challenged to design and construct an elevator system that runs on LabVIEW (myRio hardware).
Students employ engineering design (computer aided design (CAD), programming) to rapidly prototype and implement their elevator system and design ideas.
Students will have the opportunity to take Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer exam and become certified.
At the end of the quarter, students have the opportunity to showcase their work to industry members and hiring managers.
The course encourages a dynamic team effort to complete the final elevator project; cultivating skills such as communication and teamwork.
LabVIEW Course
LabVIEW is a widely used visual programming language ranging in applications found in industries such as aerospace, defense, semi-conductor, energy academic and research, and communications.
Our course is designed to help students learn LabVIEW, train for the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer exam, apply their knew programming knowledge by building an elevator system, and showcasing their work to industry hiring managers. The quarter-long course will feature: hardware (myDAQ, myRiO), systems design (elevator), and interactive LabVIEW lectures.
Students going through the course will learn an array of skills that extend beyond the LabVIEW language itself including team work, communication, rapid prototyping, machining, soldering, computer aided design programs (Solidworks), 3D printing, and many other hands-on skills.